
今朝(こんちょう)も ツバメの宿を 訪ぬれば 巣縁に動く モーニングの裾


The VAN Method of Short-Term Earthquake Prediction
by Seiya UYEDA
Research Leader, RIKEN International Frontier Program on Earthquake Research, Professor of Tokai University

In Greece, short-term earthquake prediction has been in practice for more than a decade. The method, called the "VAN", is based on monitoring of geoelectric potential changes.  Incorporating the VAN with other promising methods of different disciplines, it seems possible not only to improve earthquake prediction but also to open new frontiers of earth science leading to better understanding of fundamental crustal processes.
What is VAN Method?
Earthquake prediction aims to specify three elements, namely when, where, and how large the impending earthquake will be. It is generally recognized that such is hard to achieve with the capability of the present seismological science. It may, therefore, sound unbelievable that earthquake prediction has been in practice in Greece for more than a decade.
The method is called the VAN method, after the initials of three Greek scientists, Professors P. Varotsos, K. Alexopoulos and K.Nomicos, all from the University of Athens. Soon after an earthquake hit the Athens area in early 1981, causing serious damage, they started monitoring the geoelectric potential changes, because, as solid state physicists, they anticipated that some electric current may be generated in the earthquake source region before catastrophe.
The measurement is relatively simple in principle. One measures the geoelectric potential differences between electrodes stack into the ground at desired distances. The geoelectric potential is constantly changing, due to causes such as geomagnetic field variations, rain fall, man-made noise, electro-chemical instabilities of electrodes and so on. One has to distinguish meaningful pre-seismic signals, if they exist at all, from these noise. This is a formidable task, which none of the previous researchers was able to achieve. Strictly following the laws of basic physics and through almost unbelievable efforts, the VAN-group accomplished this task and discovered that indeed precursory seismic electric signals ("SES") did exist, only if one chooses right spots ("sensitive stations"). Even at sensitive stations, only less than 0.1% of observed changes were meaningful signals, i. e., the SES, all others being noise. Based on SES observation, the VAN group specifies the three elements of earthquake prediction, accuracy of which depends on how well the stations are "calibrated" largely by experience. Depending on the types of SES, earthquakes occur within several days to several weeks. The location of the focal area can be predicted by a very peculiar nature of SES, called the "selectivity", i.e., a "sensitive station" is sensitive to SES from specific focal area(s) only. The magnitude of the earthquake is estimated through the amplitude of the SES, taking the distance between the focal area and the station into account.